Saturday, November 7, 2009

He's Healing?

Zachary, is doing very well, his leg seems to be healing nicely he still has some pain sometimes but not near as bad as it used to be.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

August 5 2009

Z’s Motrin intake
2:00 a.m. - 3tsp
4:30 a.m. - 3tsp
10:00 a.m. - 2 chewable tablets

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Trying to Ease the Pain

I took Zachary to the appointment I made for him with a friend from church who uses herbs and energy to help with pain management and healing. We were there for about three hours, Zachary has a lot of pain that he has been enduring and she recommended that Zachary drink carrot juice in the morning and in the evening. He needs to eat five raw things a day such as, an apple, orange, broccoli, a salad (counts as one), etc. And take the herbal medicine that I had ordered. She also gave us some White Oak Bark for Zachary to gargle in the evenings to help with the infection he has from his tooth. I forgot to give Zachary the Bark before bed and had to get up twice to give him some Motrin.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Logging the Pain

I have been logging Zachary's pain and Motrin intake I want to add it to my blog only to help me keep track of it so .... skip it if it bores you. :)

July 22 - 1 p.m. - 3tsp
July 23 - 2:22 a.m. - 4tsp
July 24 - 1:39 p.m. - 2tsp
July 27 - 12:50 p.m. - 4tsp
Robert and I wondered if it were a bone infection why the doctor didn't prescribe an antibiotic so I called the nurse and asked her. Anyway, she said that it is not listed in Zachary's file as a bone infection or Osteomyelitis. I was for sure that the doctor said it was. The nurse said that the doctor probably thinks that is what it is and wants to continue the anti-inflamatory medication to see if that will heal the "splotch" in the bone. Yep, I'm calling it a "splotch" until they give it a name. Apparently I misunderstood, hey, it happens! So, we will continue the Motrin until the 1st of September. I just didn't realize the Motrin intake was so ... often. It just didn't seem like it was this often, guess when you log something, reality hits you. Well, I have been informed by a friend that her sister may be able to help Zachary with the pain. I'm going to call and see where that takes us.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We took Zachary back to the specialist to get the results of his MRI's that were taken a week or so ago. She told us that the spot in his bone was definitely benign and that it is an infection in the bone and it does look like it is trying to heal itself. She gave us options and asked what we wanted to do, we've decided that it would be in Zachary's best interest to monitor it and keep a journal of his pain and Motrin intake for now. She thought that was a good idea and said she would like to help monitor the healing by doing another x-ray in about 4-6 weeks to make sure it is healing and not growing or not healing like it should. If it turns out that it doesn't heal as it should or it grows larger, the only other option would be to have surgery to scrap the infection out, another prayer please!

Here are his MRI photo's these two showed the infection the best.

Okay, this is a side view of Zachary's leg the photo has chopped into his leg to show the spot better. The top arrow shows where the bone is trying to heal itself and the lower arrow shows the infection in the bone.

This picture shows his leg as if they chopped it off right where the infection is. Again the left arrow shows where the bone is trying to heal and the right arrow shows the infection.


We headed out to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital so that Zachary could get his MRI done, by request of the specialist we saw on Tuesday. They said it should only take about an hour and then we would head out to Clear Water Campground. Robert dropped Zachary and myself off at the Children's Hospital and the rest of them headed off to grab a bite to eat and hang out until we finished. The MRI took right at two hours to get through, I had no idea the MRI machine made so..... much noise. I had to wear earplugs just so I could concentrate enough to read my book. After we were done we found a pond with Koi fish just outside of the hospital and hung out there to feed the fish until Robert got there to pick us up.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

An Infection?

We took Zachary to the hospital today and saw the specialist. She took a look at the x-rays that were taken of Zachary's leg and said that it looks benign, it looks like an infection within the bone, but because it's affecting him like it is she wants an MRI done to get a better idea of how big it is. An MRI will show this better than an x-ray because an x-ray is a flat picture and with an MRI it's, like, a 3D image. She also said she wanted to try and get the scans that were done on him the day of the accident with my parents to see if it was there then or if this is something that has progressed since the accident. He has another appointment at children's hospital on Friday at 5 p.m.

Monday, July 6, 2009


I got a call from the referral lady, Zachary's appointment with the specialist is scheduled for tomorrow 7:45 a.m. at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital, please pray that it's something minor.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Broadcast System Works

Zachary had problems with his leg again and I think he may have an ear infection on top of it, he is in a lot of pain. I've never heard him cry out like he has been doing. He cries out an ear piercing scream, moans and then it's quiet for about three or four minutes and then he does it again. It's like an Emergency Broadcast System except it scares the holy crap out of me. Zachary had to have an x-ray of his leg done because the nurse practitioner wasn't really sure what could be wrong she even went to the other doctors in the office and got some input from them. Apparently, they all agreed that an x-ray will help to get to the bottom of Zachary's leg pain. I received the results later this evening and it turns out that there is a spot where the femur meets the knee that they are concerned about and want to refer Zachary to a specialist (Dr. Ginger Holt) at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. Yea, I'm a little scared, but it's hard to be really freaked out when we're not even sure what it is. I'm going to guess that it's some sort of calcification caused by the accident he was in with my parents. It's the same leg and the front center console did hit his leg pretty hard. I'm going to do my best to be positive about the whole thing.

Monday, June 29, 2009

It's Excruciating!

Zachary seems to be having some leg pains in the evenings that are excruciating, I hate to hear his cries of pain. I'm thinking it's either growing pains or he's got restless leg syndrome, which runs in the family. So far he's only had the pain in the evenings and yesterday was the first day it started.