We hope that you are doing well and are keeping your spirits up. I wanted to give you an update on Zachary, as you already know he is now in dire need of hearing aids. Our family is large and the medical bills are mounting pretty high so I am putting together a fundraiser for Z, so that he can receive the hearing aids he needs. There is a link on Zachary’s blog spot, http://hug-z.blogspot.com. I already have a possible 3 interviews set up (they aren’t confirmed yet) with the local media and I will be sharing as much information as I can about Superficial Siderosis. The big news is that ... I'm planning to open up a foundation for Superficial Siderosis to bring awareness to a disease that I feel is very much under diagnosed. So if the funds over exceed the goal amount the extra will be applied to helping others with Superficial Siderosis and toward research to find a cure. As soon as Z is all set with his hearing aids I will be focusing my time and energy toward that.
Z is doing very well, he’s just happy that there is no pain affiliated with losing his hearing. Our family is taking an American Sign Language class together to prepare Z for the future of possibly needing the skill.
We pray that a cure will come very soon and this can be a disease of the past.
You are doing marvellously well Michelle with great ambitions. Other Americans have claimed to be starting up similar but they never seemed to do so. If you have more details please send them on as I'll pen up something for the next newsletter.
Well done that lady Dave
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