Wednesday, July 13, 2011

There's More Going on Than Contractures

Zachary at Dr. Johnson's office - We started taking him back to Physical Therapy because the pain in his legs and his mobility has progressively gotten worse. His therapist felt there was more going on than what was previously diagnosed and referred him to an Orthopedist (Dr. Johnson) who took Xrays and ordered an MRI to rule out some things like a Tethered cord and such. He had his MRI done today and translated into english that we could understand. Right now, there is still no true diagnosis. We only know that there is an abnormality of "Z's" spinal cord, there's inflammation, pocket of fluid and thickening of the lower lumbar and sacral dura (I had to google some of this, so don't feel bad if you have to as well) Z has an appointment to see a pediatric neurologist on Friday morning. Things are moving very quickly which is very scary, but things are moving which means a diagnosis for 
"Z" and the relief of his pain are just around the corner.

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