Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Broadcast System Works

Zachary had problems with his leg again and I think he may have an ear infection on top of it, he is in a lot of pain. I've never heard him cry out like he has been doing. He cries out an ear piercing scream, moans and then it's quiet for about three or four minutes and then he does it again. It's like an Emergency Broadcast System except it scares the holy crap out of me. Zachary had to have an x-ray of his leg done because the nurse practitioner wasn't really sure what could be wrong she even went to the other doctors in the office and got some input from them. Apparently, they all agreed that an x-ray will help to get to the bottom of Zachary's leg pain. I received the results later this evening and it turns out that there is a spot where the femur meets the knee that they are concerned about and want to refer Zachary to a specialist (Dr. Ginger Holt) at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital. Yea, I'm a little scared, but it's hard to be really freaked out when we're not even sure what it is. I'm going to guess that it's some sort of calcification caused by the accident he was in with my parents. It's the same leg and the front center console did hit his leg pretty hard. I'm going to do my best to be positive about the whole thing.

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