Monday, April 9, 2012

A Visit With Dr. Brown And A Smoothy

Z was having a rough afternoon, his pain was increasing as the day wore on. We went to his appointment with Dr. Brown and discussed the issues with sugar once again. I know, hand me the Craptacular Mom Card, cause I'm a slow learner. It's Easter, we've never celebrated Easter without sweets. Oh, this thing with Z is seriously going to be life changing isn't it? I don't like the new! The old is way more comfortable and familiar! But unfortunately the old isn't helping Z. So, with hesitancy we move slowly into the new. Z knows he can't have sugar and knows that it causes inflammation which in turn causes him pain. He is aware and he was warned to be careful, however he is still just a child and .... I, yup that's me! I should have managed his sugar intake, therefore, the Craptacular Mom Card belongs to me!! :( After Z's adjustment and while we were still in the office I was talking to another patient about Z and the sugar he consumed and she mentioned that her family celebrates with Resurrection eggs. Instead of candy the story of the Resurrection is printed out and cut into strips and placed in the eggs. When all the eggs are found they piece the Resurrection story together, read and talk about it. Hmmm? I totally like that idea! And what a much better way to remember the reason for this special day. I mean, we could still put treats in their baskets, just "much better for your body" treats. Ugh! Changing traditions, that's new and uncomfortable. Before leaving Dr. Brown mentioned that the yogurt place next door was starting to make "good for ya" smoothies. So he walked us over and introduced us to the, umm? I think it was the owner of the shop and showed Z what things he could put into his smoothy that didn't have sugar in them. Z choose walnuts, strawberries and pineapple. The lady fixed him a protein smoothy with his added ingredients. It was very yummy! On the way home Z complained of an upset stomach and I told him he was hungry for supper. He threw up and started cramping when we got home and couldn't keep anything down, not even water.  

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