Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Grateful Mother's Day!

It's Mother's Day and on this day I often wonder why it is I feel so cheated! Why on this day I miss my mom more then ever and this is the day I will be constantly reminded that she isn't here. But then I realize, I'm good! I've got this! It's no problem!
I go to my computer to go through my pictures because I'm short on hard drive space and I come across the photos of my parents truck after their accident in '06.

Why? Why am I here? I'm not here to feel sad or sorry for myself. I'm not here to try and envision the trauma that they experienced. No?!? 

I'm here because despite all the trauma and all the feelings of loss and despair, I am full of gratitude!!
Surprised? Do you want to know why? Because I have a set of twins who made it out of that accident. Our daughter, Aubrey, came out of it with just a broken clavicle

The only picture I have of Aubrey in her sling. 

and our son, Zachary, who we thought just had a broken leg and a bruise on his forehead, he came out of it alive as well.

He's had some pretty harsh bumps and trials and has endured some pretty rough days in the last three years, but despite that ... he is happy and without pain today.

You know what I'm filled with? Pure GRATITUDE!! My eyes well up with tears looking back and seeing what events have crossed my path and I see .... that I am very blessed!! My parents are gone, this is true, but I get comfort from the fact, that I know, that they are together. I am comforted by the fact that I know without doubt that there is more to this life then just living and that when we have accomplished the things that we need to here, one day my parents and I will be together again. I'm truly blessed as I travel my rocky little winding road, there are some occasional boulders that I must climb and there are those scary cold storms that I must seek shelter from, but despite all those things, I see that I am blessed to have all 7 of my children happy and healthy and a loving husband who stands by me, holds me up and helps me over those boulders and through those storms. I'm blessed with a wonderful family and many many friends who are constantly encouraging me and cheering me on as I navigate myself through this life. 

Zachary has made some huge leaps of his own. 

He spent Friday night and yesterday with his pal! They played and rode on some pretty impressive rides,

and he has felt no pain from it at all!! Oh yes!! I am truly blessed, as is he. I know that my Father in Heaven loves us. I know that He only gives us what He knows we can handle, sometimes pushing us to the very edge where we start to doubt ourselves, but we always make it through.

This Mother's day!! I am filled with gratitude!!

A little note for my Mom ....
I love you, mom!! And miss you more then I can ever express!! Thank you, for teaching me the gospel for teaching me that I am a strong woman and for teaching me that I can climb mountains. Sending hugs your way! I know that they don't have to travel very far to get to you, because I know you are always close by me!!

With Love,

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