Friday, November 9, 2012

Update on Zachary, Moving Forward and Questions for Dr. Jordan and Dr. Levy

Letter to Dr. Jordan:
Hello Dr. Jordan!
It has been a while since I've communicated with you, but I’d like to update you and I’d like to ask a few questions. Zachary hasn't seen pain since early July. We are very pleased with the work that Dr. Brown has done with Zachary. So far he has taken care of the pain that was caused by the whiplash that Z was suffering from.
Now, we are looking into Zachary’s mobility. The last time, probably around 9 months ago, Z’s neural tension was measured between 24 and 30 degrees. Yesterday, I took Z back over to be measured again, the measurements are between 10 and 20 degrees. I am a bit concerned but not surprised at the difference in the measurements as our goal for the past 9 months has been completely focused on Z’s pain. Now that we have the pain under control I’m wanting to work on regaining Zachary’s mobility. Problem here is that the boy keeps growing, lol. I’ve discussed the mobility issues with Dr. Brown and these are his recommendations and thoughts ....
“The MTA(Manual Traction Apparatus) will help to release dural adhesions and break up scar tissue around the cord. The primary reason for the immobility is the spinal cord adhesions. But the spine is "locking down" because of the immobility, its kinda a catch 22 because immobility causes more spasming and more scar tissue and more adhesions. Now I was thinking that the decreases in Z's range of motion may be due to him growing and that the length of the spinal column increases and the cord length will not increase at the same rate. That may be putting more tension on the cord and nerves”.
Now, of course we have questions:
A good amount of Z’s dura is attached to his cord, with the breaking up of scar tissue and the releasing of the dural adhesions, will this cause bleeding into the spinal fluid and if so how will this affect Z’s condition with SS? Will the side affects of SS (pain, loss of hearing, etc) present themselves sooner?
Are there things I need to be on the look out for?
Z will continue to grow and his mobility will decrease as each year passes, the prognosis is very grim if something isn’t done. I can only imagine our son being pulled into a ball with very little mobility. Our goal is to gain as much mobility as we can, while we can. I know that there is no cure for SS but the fight for our sons mobility is what is on the field right now. We won the fight over the pain now we’re in a new fight to win mobility.
We would appreciate any advice or thoughts that you might have, thank you in advance.
Robert & Michelle Huguley

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